Chakra Balancing Therapy

 30 minutes


Open the third eye chakra energy with this four-bowl, relaxing and therapeutic technique that includes tingsha work throughout.

Opening and clearing the third eye chakra will encourage all chakras to balance and will promote an understanding of your inner vision. Release negative energy and negative influences both internally and externally as you sink deeply into this healing, opening practice. 

You will experience this protocol in the supine position. It begins with the Himalayan/Tibetan cranial-sacral technique and is followed by a Nepalese blessing. Through the healing touch of this method, you will begin to relax as you gently release into a receiving mindset. I will concurrently send connecting energy to link our purpose, as I invite the bowls in multi-note sequences.


Two-Bowl Session

50 minutes


Embrace the present moment through sounds of the past. Spend 25 minutes in both the supine and prone positions as you go on an auditory journey. Each set of bowls addresses a different chakra. Please mention if there is a particular area on which you’d like work.


Enhanced Two-Bowl Session

65 minutes


Enjoy all that the Two-Bowl Session offers and then return to the supine position for a playing of the bowls and chimes with a sweeping cleanse finish.



60 minutes


This deeply relaxing protocol, which some have said puts them in an other-worldly state, utilizes seven bowls. Each bowl is placed, by note, in alignment with a location corresponding to each of the seven chakras. With this therapy, the bowls do not touch the body. 

The session begins with a Himalayan/Tibetan cranial-sacral technique, followed by a Nepalese blessing. Through the healing touch of these protocols, you will begin to relax as you gently release into a receiving mindset. As you prepare to receive, I will send connecting energy to link our purpose as I begin to invite the bowls in multi-note sequences. 

The bowls are then invited gently as their rotations of sound vibrational patterns begin. You will sink deeply into a state of blissful relaxation as the sounds and vibrations enter your body. Next, the bowls are invited with a medium intensity to promote deeper relaxation. The bowls are then invited softly once again. Many people report a feeling of floating at this point in the session.

Finally, you will receive the sounds of tranquility bowls and then the playing of the singing bowls in temple chime tones. This finish brings you back to full awareness of your body and surroundings. The session is closed with a repeating, cleansing body sweep. 

You will arise deeply relaxed and renewed. 



80 minutes


Feel renewed with a full session of Relaxation Therapy with the addition of a bowl massage. The bowls are invited through the first round of soft play. Then, a bowl is placed on the body and played over the legs, root chakra and heart center. The bowl is played by rubbing instead of striking over the heart Chakra for a deeply powerful experience. You will then be invited to turn to the prone position. The bowl is then played over the back of your body, finishing with the rubbing of the bowl over bottoms of the feet. You will then turn back over to supine positon for the remainder of the Relaxation Therapy session. 

This session will close with the addition of the playing of the tingsha and crystal pyramid for further cleansing. 

This session will take you to a deeper level of relaxation and feeling of well being.


Warm Water

90 minutes


This deeply therapeutic eight-bowl session can be profoundly healing and restorative. Seven bowls are placed aside the body to correspond with the seven main chakras, and the eighth bowl is used for warm water therapy on the body. As with the Relaxation Therapy, you will begin in the supine position. 

We will begin with the Himalayan/Tibetan cranial sacral technique, followed by a Nepalese blessing. Through the healing touch of these protocols, you will begin to relax as you gently release into a receiving mindset. As you prepare to receive, I will send connecting energy to link our purpose, as I begin to invite the bowls in multi-note sequences. 

Warm water is placed in the eighth bowl and the bowl is struck or rubbed to invite healing therapeutic vibrational sounds into the body, with intervals of inviting of the seven bowls around your body. In between working different parts of the body with this warm cellular massage, the water is freshened as it cools rapidly. 

You will then be invited to turn to the prone position for work on the back side of your body.  This portion of the therapy session brings many people into a deep meditative, theta-like state. Some achieve feelings of delta state or feel they are hovering somewhere that feels not quite like sleep. This can be a profoundly enlightening and blissful experience. 

Some people do not want to shift again before completing the session. The session can end with you in this prone position, with the playing of the tingsha to bring you back to full awareness. 

I will, however, invite you to return to the supine position where we will close with the addition of the playing of the tranquility bowls, temple bells, tingsha and crystal pyramid for further clearing and awakening. 

In this position, the session is closed with a blissful repeating, cleansing body sweep.