History of Singing Bowls


Through oral history, we know that Tibetan singing bowls came from India at the same time that Buddhism was introduced to Tibet and to the region of the Himalayas by the great Buddhist master Padmasambhava — a history that dates back some 2,400 years.

With China’s occupation of Tibet in 1950, the crafting of these beautiful healing bowls was no longer allowed. 


Today, artisans in the Nepalese regions of the Himalayas — particularly in the Kathmandu Valley — who are steeped in knowledge passed down from generation to generation over centuries, practice their unique craft and sacred skill of making the Himalayan Singing Bowls. 

Forging a single bowl requires at least three or four of these inspired artisans, who use seven metals that are aligned with the seven heavenly bodies in our solar system and also with the seven main Chakras in the human body. Working together, the craftsmen chant healing intentions while one holds the molten ball of alloys with tongs and the others hammer it into one vessel.

Each bowl created turns into a specific note that is unknown until the bowl is completed. The bowl is then fine tuned into its note. These individual notes also correspond to, address and affect one of the seven Chakras — Muladhara (Root), Sradhisthana (Sacral), Manipura (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart), Vissudha (Throat), Ajna (Third Eye) and Sahasrara (Crown).

The sounds and vibrations that promote the gifts of deep meditation, healing and aligning of the body have been used for centuries.   

The Seven Chakras


Please refer to this guide to familiarize yourself with the Seven Chakras, if need be, and know that Rooted Echoes is committed to helping you focus on areas that need special attention.

Group Chakra sound baths will be occasionally offered in and around the Issaquah, Wash., area. Please watch the events calendar for times and locations.

Private group Chakra sound baths are available if you have adequate space in a home, office or other setting. Maximum ten participants, please.

Root Chakra: Located at the base of your spine, when your root chakra is clear, bright and spinning, you feel stable, grounded and safe. You realize that the universe will provide your earthly needs. You have the ability to pursue your goals and to attract all manner of wealth and everything you need for survival


Sacral Chakra: Located about two inches below your naval, when this chakra is clear and spinning brightly, you are joyful, confident in who you are, you create authentically and you are able to connect confidently with others on an intimate level. You have all the tools you need for successful living. 

Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra is located about two inches above the naval. Know that when this chakra is vibrant, clear and spinning, you are able to live your life to its fullest and you feel confident and productive. You are able to move forward towards your greatest purpose and your dreams. Your personal power and willpower are strong forces that help you to lead your life in the direction of fulfillment and highest good. 

Heart Chakra: Located at your chest’s center. Know that when your heart chakra is clear and spinning, you deepen inner peace and find it easy to love yourself and others. You have more forgiveness and compassion. You are better able to heal body, mind and spirit and you become more balanced in your life. You are more compelled towards nurturing thoughts each and every day. 

Throat chakra: This chakra is located at the center of your throat. When this chakra is clear and spinning, you are able to communicate your thoughts and truths more clearly, kindly and sincerely. You project your voice through your highest self. You are better able to communicate honestly, deliberately and with love.

Third Eye Chakra: Located in the area slightly above the center between your eye brows. When your Third Eye chakra is clear and spinning fully, your intuition and intellect work in perfect harmony. Please practice and allow this harmony to flow freely throughout you each and every day. Trusting in the infinite love of whatever Source is to you and the Universe, which will sustain every aspect of your needs for successful living. 

Crown Chakra: Located at the top of your head and slightly back. When this chakra is clear and spinning, you are aware that you are loved and important. Vital to universal patterns of wisdom and purpose. You are free of fears and your spiritual awareness and connectivity is heightened, as your Crown Chakra is kept strong and clear. You have complete trust in a power greater than yourself.